Is Essencia Yoga registered with Yoga Alliance?

Yes. Essencia Yoga offers 200 RYT and 300 RYT programs.

What is flexible scheduling?

Our flexible scheduling allows you to create your own teacher training schedule to fit your needs. You can come to all of our available trainings (getting you through the program faster) or to just one. We have open enrollment so you can get started with our program whenever you are ready.

Are there any other costs like workshops?

Your tuition covers all of the 200 and/or 300 Hour Requirements for your Certification (RYT 200, RYT 300).

How much experience should I have with yoga?

Preferably one year as a rule of thumb. Feel free to contact us with more specific questions.

Flexible teacher training - will I interact with any other teachers in training?

Yes. You will get the opportunity to interact with trainees at all stages of the program, allowing you to share experience.

Am I able to experience a class before enrolling in the program

Yes. Feel free to look at our class schedule online and call us at (877) 289-0180 with the day and time that you would like to attend.

Are classes at your studio included?

Yes, all of Essencia’s regular, weekly classes as well as some specialty classes and workshops are part of the Teacher Training fee. The only exception would be when the Essencia Studio has been rented out for a private event/seminar, which often will be offered to you for a 30% discount.

How many classes are required?

The number of classes above and beyond what is required in your training with me, your primary, E-RYT 500, is approximately 20 hours.  The specifics of how these can be met will be laid out in our first session. It does involve you being able to get those hours met at Essencia’s studio, under varying styles of teachers and classes, or under a local studio near you. More information can be requested under your desired program page.

Are their physical or written tests?

Consistent assessments and evaluations are taking place. Be prepared for discussions and practice teaching along the way.

What does your Teacher Training Program cost?

It depends if you are choosing our flexible schedule or would like to attend our scheduled program. More information can be requested under your desired program page.

Do you offer housing for your Teacher Training programs?

We do not typically provide housing, however we can help you find accommodations.

Once certified are there teaching opportunities with your studio

Yes, part of our training requires their teaching approximately 5 classes. They will be offered feedback and encouragement to build their confidence and offer a strong balanced class. We take joy in giving our teachers space to expand their skills and experience and grow their classes with their contagious appreciation of yoga.

What is the bridge program?

The bridge program allows you to take the tuition you paid from your CYT 200 program and put it directly towards our RYT 200 Hour program. If you would like to take our RYT program after two years following your CYT program, there is a “bridge fee” of $250, otherwise there is no additional cost.

Customized Yoga Teacher Training 200 and 300 Hour Programs
