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Join us for a Hoopyogini™ playshop each month to celebrate the new moon!

Hoopyogini™ is a holistic fitness program integrating hula hooping with Hatha Yoga and mindfulness meditation. This doctor approved movement meditation/conditioning experience utilizes the modern adult-sized hula hoop for flow, self-awareness and as a functional fitness tool to stretch and strengthen the body.

The following descriptions are the break down of the parts that make up the entire HoopYogini program. Each one of these parts can be taught separate or integrated together. Based on who is attracted to this class will depend on which parts the audience can advance to, but each month will build new skills and moves which will then flow into freedom to move from a centered and creative process and expression. 

HoopYogini™ Spinal Awakening Series 

A standing six posture flow that tones the core and moves the spine to it’s full range of motion thus improving posture and relieving back pain. 

HoopYogini™ From The Core

Waist hooping as a massage, fitness and meditation that burns 400-600 calories an hour, provides workout, develops the core and improves posture.

HoopYogini™ Integrative Cool Down 

Integrate the benefits of your HoopYogini™ practice and release residual tension from the body in this six posture flow exploring familiar Hatha Yoga postures such as Wide Leg Standing Forward Fold, Triangle Pose and Pyramid Pose.

HoopYogini™ Alchemy & Flow 

All HoopYogini™ moves can be linked into a flowing dance. This flow emerges from one’s return to their Centered Pose. From the center, authentic movement is inspired and the practitioner learns how to feel and return to their core as access point to their intuition and wisdom. From here, they remember how to respond rather than react to life’s changes and challenges.

$20; pre-registration required to reserve your hoop

Click here to register.

Earlier Event: April 11
Free Yourself to Love: Reflection
Later Event: April 25
Free Yourself to Love CELEBRATION